Which of the following best describes you? I want to punch the clock - 9-5 is where it's at! I dont mind working extra hours...sometimes. I'm not appalled by the idea of a 3am phone call. None When you're working, your ideal day looks like: I want to know that what I did yesterday, is what I'm going to do today, is what I'm going to do tomorrow. I like some variety - I want to be challenged, but I dont mind the occasional routine. What's a schedule? None You: Like to be told exactly what to do. Like some direction, but can figure the rest out for yourself. Like to blaze your own trail. None How do you handle stress? How many bottles of wine is too many? I handle it just fine. I channel my stress into what I'm doing. None Let's talk about money. OK - I need to know where the next paycheck is coming from, and how much it's going to be. Sure - I'd like to know how much I'm making, but could handle some ups and downs. The money will be there when I get this product off the ground! None Time's up
Which of the following best describes you?
When you're working, your ideal day looks like:
How do you handle stress?
Let's talk about money.
Time's up